I’ve been adding a few new features to the blog that I wanted to point out (in case fellow bloggers might like them, or in case you read through a Google reader and can’t see them).
One is “Comment Luv,” which is accessible when you leave a comment. If you have your own blog, and you check the “Comment Luv” button when you leave a comment, it will show me (and other readers) what your last post was. Fun way to let others know what you’re writing about and possibly get more traffic to your own blog.
Another is “Link Within,” which I’m sure you’ve noticed for some time. It’s the series of thumnails and links at the bottom of each post that says “You might also like. …” I love this because it reminds me of old posts that I may otherwise have forgotten. If you have your own blog, I highly recommend adding this plug-in: it’s fun and easy. (To add for your own blog, just click on the “Link Within” icon in the bottom right and it will take you to their site.) I want to add a fourth thumbnail, instead of three, to span the entire column, so I’ll probably do that this weekend.
I’ve also added “Pages” to my left sidebar, which are pretty much the same as the top nav bar, but thought I’d put them in both places. One “page” that got sort of buried a long time ago is the “About the Header” page, which explains where I got the header, why I chose it, and who helped me design it. 🙂 Continue reading