Well, my post-chemo hair is slowly coming in. (At the amazing rate of about 1/4 inch per month … sheesh.)
It’s a little distressing how slow it’s growing.
And, of course, how grey it is. (I mean, I knew it was a little grey under my usual color, but c’mon!!)
But then I became so happy that I had hair at all — and that I didn’t have to wear hats on hot days — that I just kind of shrugged my shoulders and went with it. I figure it’s probably just as well to have easy-peasy hair when you’re still racing around to doctor’s appointments and have to constantly be changing clothes in doctor’s offices or lying down on tables. And now I’m quite liking the ridiculous ease of it all. (Basically wash, run a towel through, and you’re good to go.)
When a friend of mine called it “silver” the other day instead of “grey,” I even started to come to peace with the color.
I’ll still probably color it and grow it out eventually. (I mean, I did just turn 50. I’m already sensitive.) But for now it’s so easy and convenient that I’m going to leave it while I finish my treatments.
And I do have a bit to go.
I’ve been lying low since my surgery in July, but for whatever reason my incisions just didn’t heal. Continue reading