Dennis the Menace

We sit at the dining table, passing potatoes and vegetables, and my 10-year-old son suddenly announces that Bryan and Maya* are having a baby. …

We all stare at him across the table.

“Who’re Brian and Maya?” my husband finally asks into the silence.

“Our neighbors,” my son says, exasperated. “The ones at the end, facing that way.” He makes a fluttering motion with his hand. He looks from one of us to another, waiting for a light of recognition, but when we all continue to stare blankly, he shakes his head and goes back to his potatoes. …

My son has become like the cruise director of our neighborhood. He knows who lives in each house, how many kids they have, what their dogs’ names are, and even when and where they go on vacation. He knows what all the adults do for a living, when they’re home, what kind of car they drive, and, in some cases, what they have for dinner on any given night. Continue reading


Yay! School’s finally out! We’ve had a crazy-busy June.

We’ve had late-night school projects and open houses:


Art awards shows:


Violin concerts:


Dances and galas:


Graduation ceremonies:

And that’s only after all the shoe-shopping, dress-shopping, corsage-ordering, tux-fitting, project-finishing, violin-tuning, tie-tying, shoe-shining and more that preceded each event in the last few weeks! Whew! It’s been a crazy, busy June.

But it’s been very celebratory. And very happy.

It’s just that I’m pretty sure we’re all going to be sleeping in this weekend. …

Few More Things I Love About My Guy

Last year, in honor of Father’s Day, I did 30 Reasons I Love My Man.

But over this past year, I thought of a few more.

Here they are:

  1. When the kids were very small, he insisted on making each of their birthday cakes himself, from scratch. He made Rene a giant castle one year (with ice-cream-cone turrets) and — another year — made her a giant unicorn head (with twisted sugar chews as the horn). He’s also made race-car cakes and cakes with Elmo all over them for the boys. There’s nothing like seeing a grown man in your kitchen with frosting all over his hands and a frown over how he’s going to stack that third layer to give your 3-year-old the highest castle he can. …
  2. When he’s on vacation, he never shaves. The resulting dark stubble around his jaw has now come to look like pure relaxation to me — and is just rugged enough and just sexy enough to make me look forward to it every time.
  3. He plays the guitar in our bedroom from time to time to relax. He taught himself to play, but he’s been doing it for about 20 years now and can play a lot of songs. He also bought a ukelele about 2 years ago and is now teaching himself to play that, too. It sounds like the beach.
  4. He looks great in his Levis. (Oh, did I say that one already?) Okay. … He looks great in his Levis sitting on a Harley.
  5. He always rises to the occasion to be a dad. He’s always been involved with the kids’ sports — being in charge of sign-ups and picture days, too. But one year, he moved beyond the sports realm and took our daughter to get her dance pictures taken at the dance studio when I was ill. Although I wasn’t there to see it, the image I have in my mind of him standing there — making small talk with all the stage moms as they discuss hair and makeup — is priceless to me.
  6. He brings me bouquets of flowers from time to time for my writing room. But the thing I love best is that he always pulls one flower out of the bouquet and gives it to our daughter.
  7. He cuts his own hair.
  8. He grills a mean steak.
  9. He knows what basil is.
  10. When we got our new dining chairs, our kids fought over who got to sit next to him at the dinner table.
  11. He watches the Housewives series with me.
  12. He has good taste in television and has insisted that I watch all these shows with him: Mad Men, Entourage, Weeds, Hung, and Modern Family. Now we make them into marathons that we watch together.
  13. He taught our son how to drive this year. He also taught him how to order a corsage, make a date dinner, order a tux, and tie a tie. I think my son is in good hands.
  14. He still makes me laugh every day. (Oh, I said that one already, too?) That’s okay. It’s important.
  15. I still think he’s quite possibly the best father in the universe.

Happy Father’s Day, babe!

Art for Art’s Sake

Whew! So busy these days with kids’ activities — June is turning out to be about as crazy as September. We’ve got activities on campus, projects due, group study (to which Mom drives kids around), SATs, subject tests, dances, yearbook purchases, open houses, signing up for next year’s things, etc.

But we’re in the last two weeks now, though, so … home stretch. …

In the meantime, I thought I’d leave you with a little art for art’s sake. This is a drawing Rene did. I love this one:

Role Models and Women

I’ve been thinking a lot about role models lately, specifically when it comes to women. And how it’s good for women to have them.

I remember looking around myself for a perfect role model (for life) when I was about 26 or so.

My own mom — who is a wonderful, smart, funny and positive person — still didn’t work as a role model for me. Why? Well, mostly because her generation had followed a different path than mine — their expectations were different, their definitions of success were different, and their financial obligations were different. 

My generation (and what “my generation” is, is sort of hard to define, because I’m actually on the exact cusp of Gen X and the Baby Boomers. So I’m an “older Gen X” or a “younger Baby Boomer.”) Anyway, my generation had moms who mostly stayed home and took care of us. Or maybe it was just my neighborhood, I don’t know. But most of the kids I knew had stay-home moms. The moms all knew each other, and came to all our school functions, and all taught CCD (catechism) in a rotation around the neighborhood. My mom didn’t even drive — and she wasn’t the only mom who didn’t. Continue reading

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