Diet Coke Update

Well, I’m pleased to say the “giving up Diet Coke” thing wasn’t nearly as difficult as I thought it would be! I gave it up completely that day I blogged about it, and haven’t had a single sip since. There were terrible headaches for the first few days (although not quite as bad, since I “weaned” off it over the previous week — 5 D.C.s, down to 4, down to 3, down to 2, etc.), and lots of irritablity (like M. said, I started to worry my generally sunny mood was all in that can!!!), but the headaches only lasted about four days and weren’t nearly as intense as I thought they’d be. The irritabilty lasted about five days, but grew less intense each day, so eventually I stopped worrying that a positive attitude came from Diet Coke. 🙂

Overall … it’s been fine! I’d venture to say … gulp … easy? Now I wish I’d done this a long time ago. I don’t even crave it. I mostly just drink water now, although I had one iced tea one hot day at lunch. I can’t believe I don’t even miss it.

Okay, so one health measure down (or two, really, if you want to count “drink more water”)! Now I’m on to the next one. … trying to incorporate more exercise! Ack.

Superman’s friend is undergoing triple-bypass surgery today. He’s only 40-something. And some of our younger family members are hearing some bad news about heart health, diabetes, etc., so it’s making us think about our own health. I know sugar is a problem for me — not only the obvious sweet stuff I love, but all the hidden sugars in bread, etc. Never too late to try to get back on track, right?

What about you? What are some of the major changes you’ve made to your diet or exercise habits due to health?

Giving up Diet Coke

So I’m trying to give up Diet Coke. This is not easy for me, since I drink about four or five a day … and have since I was a teenager. (egads!)

I need the morning one for the caffeine (or maybe the first two), and then the rest are sort of habit, really. To be honest, I don’t even really love the taste anymore. I think drinking them is a habit more than anything.

But lately, I’ve convinced myself that my health would be better if I stopped. I keep reading that Diet Coke (either the carbonation or the caffeine, or both) can contribute to tummy issues (which I have), heartburn (have that, too), and can even keep you from losing weight because of the weird number it’s doing to your cells. Not sure how much of that is true, but since all these health issues are with me anyway, I’m willing to experiment.

So … I started by eliminating all but the first two of the day, because those are my caffeine source (and giving up caffeine is a separate matter, as far as I’m concerned)! 

Then I worked on minimizing those first two to wean myself off the caffeine: One day I did a glass and a half; one day a glass; then one-half a glass; then today I just took a sip to fool myself into thinking I had caffeine.

So I’m on my first official day with ZERO Diet Cokes. Wish me luck. … I’ll have to find a way to beat the incredible fatigue that hits me at 2:00, but first things first. …

Well, This Can’t Be Good …

What is this, you ask?

This, my friends, is my terrible shattering disappointment. I know it looks like a simple broken key ring, but let me explain:

This key ring is the one I got years ago at Weight Watchers when I lost a very cool amount of weight and was feeling a little cocky about myself. I was ordering new clothes, weighing myself every day, wearing crazy new hairstyles (…well, okay, not that last part. I never wear crazy hairstyles. I’m very boring about that.). But I was wearing new clothing styles! I even started wearing these cute little camisoles that I never wore before. Continue reading

Reading Novels and Weight Loss

onwhyn_princess_carolinexIt’s an interesting correlation, isn’t it – reading novels and weight loss?

But truly, something kind of clicked for me there. Reading about all those historical heroines and their dresses and their meals. … And it tied in with lots of info I get on a daily basis at my job at Lifescript.

So come on over to Health Bistro and read about the correlation I made. I’d love to hear your comments!

(And if you can guess which novels I’m referring to over there, I’ll give you loud, slappy, virtual high-fives. …)

Crazy Calorie Counts

Hi, all! Happy Friday! I’m blogging over at Health Bistro today about “calorie shock” — those foods that make you drop your jaw when you find out how many calories they have (um … Awesome Blossom, anyone? Six-Dollar Burger????) Most are discoveries I’ve made through Weight Watchers. Come on over and join the fun! And add in your own discoveries — I can always use the tips! It’s here: That Food Has HOW Many Calories?

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