This piece originally ran in my March newsletter. If you’d like to sign up for my newsletter, and get all the posts mailed directly to you, sign up here. We also do monthly giveaways and have “sneak peeks” at chapters from upcoming books.
There are a lot of people helping me “behind the scenes” — either proofreading for me, beta reading, marketing or otherwise lending their support. And I want to introduce them to you and show off their talents! This month, meet Carli, my lovely website and newsletter designer.
I met Carli through my son. She’s originally from Phoenix, AZ, but she went to school at the University of Montana, where my son goes. She studied Journalism and worked as a design editor on the award-winning Kaimin newspaper. After she graduated two years ago, she landed a job in Orange County, CA, designing the newspaper at The Orange County Register (where I used to work!). My son introduced us when he was home from Montana one day, and Carli’s been helping me out with a variety of cool design projects ever since. I love supporting talented young people — especially talented young women — and I put myself on Carli’s brand-new client list immediately!
Carli designed my website and redesigned my blog, does my newsletter every month, created all my logos, creates my postcards/ notecards/ business cards, and she’s been designing the darling cartoons for my Facebook events. So many of you have complimented me on these things, so I wanted to show off the real talent behind them!
It’s so fun and exciting to meet such obvious up-and-coming talent. I’m lucky to have met her.
She just moved on to yet another exciting opportunity at a newspaper in the Pacific Northwest, though, so she and I won’t get to do our over-dinner meets anymore. I’m sad about that, but so excited for her to embark on this new opportunity. And I still plan to pepper her with my constant emails and Facebook messages so she can still do her magic for me!
Carli specializes in fonts, logos, and also writes and illustrates. Here’s her website:
Next time: Meet the beta readers!