The new year is always a time when people are in the mood to get out their new calendars, clean out their closets, update their phone lists, and otherwise start fresh.
And now it’s becoming a good time to clean up our social media profiles, too. (Or, for some of us, to start social media profiles on networks we’ve been ignoring.)
But rather than try to do them all at once, it might be less overwhelming (and more fun, actually) to deal with each social media network at a time.
Since I do social media work for my company, and review these networks quite often (and use most of them), I’ll throw out my best recommendations for you.
Let’s start with LinkedIn:
What is LinkedIn? LinkedIn is a professional online networking system that allows you to connect with people in a professional way — sharing resumes, work history, work-related articles, and professional contacts and networking groups.
Who should be using it? Anyone who is building a professional career and expects to be doing so for at least another five years. Continue reading