10 Good Reasons to Read ‘TEN GOOD REASONS’: Reason 7 — Because the Hero Looks Like This Guy…

We’re in the middle of our countdown to launch TEN GOOD REASONS in just a few days. Here’s Reason 7 – Because the hero looks like …

… this guy:


(At least he did to me, when I was writing him.)

(Your mileage may vary.)

So preorder now, and check out sexy, brooding sea-captain Evan – he might very well become your next book boyfriend.


Available for preorder at:

Barnes and Noble (Nook or paperback)
Amazon (Kindle or paperback)
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Powells Books
Book Depository (free shipping outside the U.S.)

Want to read the first chapter, see some fun facts, and watch videos about this book? Check out the Ten Good Reasons book page on my website!

10 Good Reasons to Read ‘TEN GOOD REASONS’: Reason 8 — The Dolphin Stampede

We’re starting our countdown to launch TEN GOOD REASONS in ten days. Here’s Reason 8 – You’ll get to “experience” a dolphin stampede!

Dolphin stampedes are not uncommon in Southern California, since we have a coastline that is home to the highest density of common dolphin per square mile than anywhere on Earth, up to 450,000 along our shoreline alone. They often travel in herds of hundreds or thousands here. So in TEN GOOD REASONS, I took you along for one of these rides!

Here’s a video of a typical stampede. They’re so peaceful and beautiful, they often make me cry:

So preorder now, and come along for the one that Lia and Evan get to see!


Available for preorder at:

Barnes and Noble (Nook or paperback)
Amazon (Kindle or paperback)
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Powells Books
Book Depository (free shipping outside the U.S.)

Want to read the first chapter, see some fun facts, and watch videos about this book? Check out the Ten Good Reasons book page on my website!

10 Good Reasons to Read ‘TEN GOOD REASONS’: Reason 9 — You’ll Learn Some Fun Factoids About Whales

We’re starting our countdown to launch TEN GOOD REASONS in ten days. Here’s Reason 9 – You’ll Learn Some Fun Factoids About Whales

Or maybe you already know a bunch of whale factoids. I don’t know. But reading TEN GOOD REASONS should feel a little like being on a whale-watching trip – as the hero and heroine, Evan and Lia, take you on several whale-watching tours, you’ll learn some cool whale facts, get to “see” a few different kinds of whales, feel the ocean mist in your face, and even learn what plagues these giants of the sea (and get to “help” in one of my favorite scenes).

And don’t think I made all this stuff up! I actually went on a whale-watching trip myself. Then I contacted a local whale expert and we became quite chummy, emailing my chapters back and forth over the course of several months. She corrected my whale facts, added some of her own, and now you can feel like you’re on your own personal tour while you’re reading the book.

Here’s an excerpt where Lia is trying really hard to be a new whale-watching narrator:

[Lia] went back to the microphone and flipped through Drew’s book to the section on baleen. “So I asked all of you if you knew how many types of whales were in this part of the ocean today. Does anyone know the answer?”

The little kids from the field trip all shot their hands into the air, waving wildly, and Lia fielded answers, watching out of the corner of her eye. …

“Whales are divided between baleen,” she announced, scanning the copy, “which means with teeth made of keratin, like our fingernails; and toothed whales, which are whales with real teeth.”

Evan glanced back at her, and she wondered for a second if she were getting the info right. His expression—especially behind the sunglasses—was inscrutable.

So preorder now, and come out “whale watching” with our trying-really-hard heroine Lia and sexy Evan!


Available for preorder at:

Barnes and Noble (Nook or paperback)
Amazon (Kindle or paperback)
iBooks/ iTunes
Powells Books
Book Depository (free shipping outside the U.S.)

Want to read the first chapter, see some fun facts, and watch videos about this book? Check out the Ten Good Reasons book page on my website!

10 Good Reasons to Read ‘TEN GOOD REASONS’: Reason 10 — You Need Some Spring Ocean Breezes!

We’re starting our countdown to launch TEN GOOD REASONS in ten days. Here’s Reason 10 — You need some spring ocean breezes by now, don’t you?

TenGoodReasons_FINALIt’s been a long winter for a good portion of the country, but TEN GOOD REASONS provides just the antidote everyone needs: sunshine and a balmy Pacific ocean!

The story takes place in February and March, but in the story’s setting — Southern California — that feels like spring. There are lots of balmy boat trips, breezes blowing over the marina, sun sparkling off the ocean, and sunglasses to keep off the bright glare of the unfiltered February sun.

Here’s an excerpt:

“The catamaran picked up speed right on cue. … Lia pulled a few strands of hair out of her lip gloss and turned into the wind. The couple in the matching college sweatshirts leaned against the rail, taking pictures of the Sandy Cove coastline. The fifteen first-graders [on the field trip] were corralled along the starboard side, all holding hands in twos and threes, their eyes barely clearing the rail. … The sun bounced brightly off the whitecaps. …”

So preorder now, and be sure to enjoy some nice weather you deserve!


Available for preorder at:

Barnes and Noble (Nook or paperback)
Amazon (Kindle or paperback)
iBooks/ iTunes
Powells Books
Book Depository (free shipping outside the U.S.)

Want to read the first chapter, see some fun facts, and watch videos about this book? Check out the Ten Good Reasons book page on my website!


More Book Giveaways!


So who wants a copy of TEN GOOD REASONS?

(I’m telling you, nothing beats seeing this box on my doorstep, and dragging it into the house to open, and seeing all these pretty books. There’s even foil on the cover! Squeee!)

(It makes me so happy, I want to give some away!)

There are two big giveaways going on now:

Through my newsletter — This weekend I’ll select five newsletter subscribers and will give each a signed copy. You can sign up for my newsletter here. (And if you’re already signed up, you’re already entered! Whoo-hoo!)

Through Goodreads — The monthlong TEN GOOD REASONS Goodreads giveaway is still going strong, and you have the opportunity to enter there for another 8 days! My publisher is giving away 25 copies there, so be sure to enter! You can sign up for the Goodreads giveaway here.

Good luck!


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