So who wants a copy of TEN GOOD REASONS?
(I’m telling you, nothing beats seeing this box on my doorstep, and dragging it into the house to open, and seeing all these pretty books. There’s even foil on the cover! Squeee!)
(It makes me so happy, I want to give some away!)
There are two big giveaways going on now:
– Through my newsletter — This weekend I’ll select five newsletter subscribers and will give each a signed copy. You can sign up for my newsletter here. (And if you’re already signed up, you’re already entered! Whoo-hoo!)
– Through Goodreads — The monthlong TEN GOOD REASONS Goodreads giveaway is still going strong, and you have the opportunity to enter there for another 8 days! My publisher is giving away 25 copies there, so be sure to enter! You can sign up for the Goodreads giveaway here.
Good luck!