Rainbow near the base of Vernal Falls
I’m still coming off my high from vacation. … I like the John Muir quote I put in my sidebar. (Everyone needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature can heal and cheer and give strength to the body and soul after. …) My son and I found it in the Yosemite visitors’ center. I think Muir is absolutely right. We all need a place where we can go to unwind, to connect with nature and the simplest, most beautiful things in life — sunlight on a brook, a deer in a quiet meadow, the smell of pine trees, the crunch of needles underfoot, the laughter of your child, the relaxed posture of your teenager, the feel of your husband’s hand in yours. … It reminds you of the beauty of simplicity, and the naturalness of beauty. It reminds you to think about what’s important.
Where do you go to get reconnected?