3 for Thursday: 3 Boys’ Names You Love

My coworker John is welcoming a baby boy in August, and he and his wife are still undecided on names. It’s prompted a few conversations around the office about names. Are you a fan of traditional names, like Charles, Henry or John? Or names that have meaning in your family? Or do you like trends, like “last names first” (Jackson, Harrison, Hayden) or “places” (Dallas, Vegas, Dakota)? What 3 boys’ names do you love?

3 for Thursday: 3 Great Things That Happened When You Were 20

Okay, let’s extend the age range a bit — 18-22. What are 3 great experiences you had (or trips you took, or people you met)?

We’re in the throes of college acceptances here in the Sanchez home (along with disappointments), and I keep trying to say that those years are what you make them, no matter where you are. You never know where your joys will come from!

3 for Thursday: 3 Things That Notify You That Spring is Near

In honor of my jasmine blooming, and the time change this week, I wondered if you, too, have certain things around your house and neighborhood that herald the start of spring. … Do you change the music in your car? Change bed linens? Put away certain winter gear? Find yourself wanting to spend time at nurseries?

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