Behind the Scenes — Meet Beta Reader Debi!

Debi and daughter closer up

Debi (right) and her daughter, Justine

This piece originally ran in my April newsletter. If you’d like to sign up for my newsletter, and get all the posts mailed directly to you, sign up here. We also do monthly giveaways and have “sneak peeks” at chapters from upcoming books.

Although there’s nothing like the exaltation of finishing a book, it’s quickly followed by a panic … wondering if anyone will like it or not. To help me decide, I have a group of “beta readers” — readers who read the book in its development stage. Some of the betas have been with me for five or six years now, and they read my works in progress, then email me their gut-level reaction to help determine if I’ve conveyed the right feeling about each of the characters. (For The Red Bikini, I thanked all the TRB beta readers in acknowledgments — you can find all their names there. Good beta readers are worth their weight in gold, and I’m so very thankful I have such terrific ones.)

I met all my beta readers in different ways — some are old friends, some are new friends, a few I met randomly on Twitter when I put out a cold call in 2006 for someone to beta-read my manuscript! I’ve had various beta readers over the years, but five are true troupers who have been with me from the beginning and have read all three finished manuscripts.

This is Debi, one of my first betas, and she’s one of the “old friends.”

Debi and I were best friends way back in junior high. (She’s even a key player in my blog serial How I Met Superman!) We spent a wonderful, memorable summer riding bikes all over town, laying out by the pool, talking about boys, spending the night at each other’s houses, doing each other’s nails, and telling each other everything! She moved away in 9th grade, though, and we lost touch for some time. But we’ve reconnected in recent years and she’s become one of my earliest fans — and is probably my most faithful beta reader. I owe Debi a HUGE thanks for all her support and encouragement!

Next time: Meet my CP!

Reader Question: How Do You Name Your Characters?

This reader question and answer originally ran in my April newsletter. If you’d like to sign up for my newsletter, and get all the posts mailed directly to you, sign up here. We do monthly giveaways and have “sneak peeks” at chapters from upcoming books.

This question is from my book club friend (and also new beta reader) MaryAnn Perdue:

Q: Is there a special process you use to name your characters?

A: I get all my names from a baby name book by Laura Wattenberg called “The Baby Name Wizard.” It not only gives a list of hundreds of names, but adds nicknames, variations in spelling, possible brother and sister names (which I use!), what eras the name was popular (you can’t give a born-in-the-80s, 30-year-old hero a popular 2014 name!), etc. It’s such a fun book.

My heroines’ names were all predetermined years ago (because they are sisters and mentioned in each other’s books — I said somewhere that their mother loved France, and that she gave her daughters all French-sounding names — Giselle, Lia and Noelle).

But my heroes’ names I come up with for each book, based on the personality I want them to convey. “Fin” was a strange choice, I must admit, but it suited the quiet hero I had in mind for The Red Bikini. “Evan” is a name I always liked, and had the sharp “v” in there that sounds tough to me, so it worked for my tough, cranky sea captain in Ten Good Reasons. I’m currently writing my first “nerd hero” for Book 3 and named him “Elliott.”

Secondary characters are actually a little harder. You don’t necessarily need a name you “like.” You simply need a name that can convey quite a bit about the character simply by the name. Since you have so few words to develop secondary characters, names go a long way. The name might signify the era the character was born, the probable social status of the character, the region of the world the character was born, etc. For secondary characters, sometimes names just jump out at me. “Fox” and “Tamara” in The Red Bikini did; “Kyle” and “Dennis” in Ten Good Reasons did. But other names — like “Rabbit” and his real name “Henry” in The Red Bikini and like “Cora” in Ten Good Reasons — take me some time. For those, I usually pour a tall glass of wine and flip through my Baby Name Wizard book (sometimes several nights in a row) until I land on a name that sounds right for the person I’m picturing.

So far I haven’t worked my way through all my favorite names, but I’ll probably come to readers for advice in a few more books!

I also wrote this post in 2011 called How To Find Good Names for a Character that gives actual tips, if you’re writing your own book!

Have a question? Send to It’ll probably be featured in the next newsletter!

Behind the Scenes – Meet Carli!


This piece originally ran in my March newsletter. If you’d like to sign up for my newsletter, and get all the posts mailed directly to you, sign up here. We also do monthly giveaways and have “sneak peeks” at chapters from upcoming books.

There are a lot of people helping me “behind the scenes” — either proofreading for me, beta reading, marketing or otherwise lending their support. And I want to introduce them to you and show off their talents! This month, meet Carli, my lovely website and newsletter designer.

I met Carli through my son. She’s originally from Phoenix, AZ, but she went to school at the University of Montana, where my son goes. She studied Journalism and worked as a design editor on the award-winning Kaimin newspaper. After she graduated two years ago, she landed a job in Orange County, CA, designing the newspaper at The Orange County Register (where I used to work!). My son introduced us when he was home from Montana one day, and Carli’s been helping me out with a variety of cool design projects ever since. I love supporting talented young people — especially talented young women — and I put myself on Carli’s brand-new client list immediately!

Carli designed my website and redesigned my blog, does my newsletter every month, created all my logos, creates my postcards/ notecards/ business cards, and she’s been designing the darling cartoons for my Facebook events. So many of you have complimented me on these things, so I wanted to show off the real talent behind them!

It’s so fun and exciting to meet such obvious up-and-coming talent. I’m lucky to have met her.

She just moved on to yet another exciting opportunity at a newspaper in the Pacific Northwest, though, so she and I won’t get to do our over-dinner meets anymore. I’m sad about that, but so excited for her to embark on this new opportunity. And I still plan to pepper her with my constant emails and Facebook messages so she can still do her magic for me!

Carli specializes in fonts, logos, and also writes and illustrates. Here’s her website: 

Next time: Meet the beta readers!

Reader Question: How Do You Do Your Research?

This reader question and answer originally ran in my May newsletter. If you’d like to sign up for my newsletter, and get all the posts mailed directly to you, sign up here. We also do monthly giveaways and have “sneak peeks” at chapters from upcoming books.

This question is from my book club friend (and also beta reader) MaryAnn Perdue:


Q: How do you do your research before writing a book (to learn about surfing or whale-watching or whatever the book features)?

A: I do spend a lot of time on research! For The Red Bikini, I had to learn a LOT about surfing! I don’t surf myself, so I was learning from the ground up. (Or would that be “the sand up”?) However, I do live in the middle of one of the surfing capitals of the world — Orange County, California — so it wasn’t hard to find friends who surf (as well as my hubby, son, boss, director – I talked to everyone who I knew owned a surfboard, which is a surprisingly huge number of people).

Additionally, I watched a lot of movies and documentaries (Endless Summer, Step Into Liquid, etc.) for some of the history and inspiration for some of the characters.

And I read my husband’s subscription to Surfer magazine cover-to-cover EVERY MONTH FOR TWO YEARS! Ha, ha. Yes, that’s right. Every. Single. Month.

That alone might have been the greatest source because the feedback was so natural and constant, over a two-year period. I learned a lot about the everyday surf culture, the way pro surfers live and travel, their most common backgrounds, the way they feel about the industry, the type of music they listen to, the way they talk to each other. It was fun.

My next book, Ten Good Reasons, features a whale-watcher, and that involved a whole ‘nother year of research. I’ll tell more about that soon!


Have a question? Send to It’ll probably be featured in the next newsletter!

“My Writing Process” Blog Hop

I was tagged by two lovely writer friends in this “Writing Process” blog hop. The fiction-writing community can sometimes seem huge and vast and intimidating. But at other times, like these – when writers are all tagging each other and we get to “meet” our writer friends’ friends – it can seem small and warm and welcoming. We get to meet others who struggle, and those who are doing great work anyway, and we get to introduce our own blog readers to more great books!

One of my taggers was Nancy Freund, a friend of mine from UCLA, who is now living in Switzerland and just came out with her knock-out first novel Rapeseed. Nancy was just interviewed on the BBC recently about the uber-interesting topic of synesthesia, which the main character in her novel has. It’s a deep, emotional story about families, ex pats, fitting in, checking out, grabbing meaning out of life, and memories. Check out Rapeseed as soon as you can!

The other friend who tagged me was Catherine Rull, one of my fellow Firebirds from Australia, who is the hardest working gal in show business – she’s written 11 manuscripts! Catherine was one of the first Firebirds I met in person in 2012 in Anaheim – I saw her friendly face across the room at the “First Timers” workshop and recognized her immediately. I mouthed “Catherine?” and she nodded, and we sat together and became instant friends! Sweetest woman. Her new agent is now querying her Book 6, and we expect to see sale news from her any time now.

So without further ado, here are the “Writing Process” questions with my own answers:


What am I working on?

I’m actually working on three books simultaneously right now, which I never thought I could do and never thought I’d be saying, but … well, there it is! This week is the exciting launch of THE RED BIKINI, my first novel. (I’m so excited I can hardly stand it!) I’ve been working hard promoting it all month, writing guest posts, sharing Berkley contests, and more. Meanwhile, I’m editing and fact-checking Book 2: TEN GOOD REASONS, which is having its cover designed right now. And I’m also on Chapter 6 of Book 3 to stay on schedule for producing a book a year.

Each of the books is about a sister – THE RED BIKINI is about the oldest sister Giselle; TEN GOOD REASONS is about the middle sister Lia; and Book 3 is about the youngest sister Noelle. All three sisters end up in the fictional “Sandy Cove,” which, the characters say in the books, is “a perfect place for those who wish to hide.”

I’ve had fun writing about three sisters. (Which is weird because I don’t have any.) But maybe that’s why I wanted to write about them? I could just imagine what it might be like – the fun parts, anyway.

Each of the sisters has an obstacle to finding true love when her story opens. Giselle, the oldest, has a perfectionist problem and needs to overcome the idea that she has to be perfect before she can open herself to true love. Lia is a workaholic and doesn’t really see how her definition of “success” at work is getting in the way of possible success in love. And Noelle is a flat-out commitment-phobe! She doesn’t know it yet, though. I’m having fun writing her story. (I’m giving her my first “nerd hero,” too.)


How does my work differ from others of its genre?

Hmm. This is a great question. My work is similar to others in the contemporary romance genre in that it’s modern; the heroines are a little older (28, 30, and 35); it’s a little funny; and it lets the characters laugh at the craziness of falling in love. (That’s one of the things I love about contemporary romances.) It’s also following the current trends of alternating points of view (half the book is written from the heroine’s POV and half is written from the hero’s – writing a man’s POV has been great fun for me!); it’s set in a small-town (popular trend right now); and is part of a three-book series with recurring characters (also a popular trend right now).

But how my work is different: hmmm. So far I’ve been putting my characters in worlds where the reader might learn something new. I hope that might set me apart. In THE RED BIKINI, I show readers the world (good and bad) of professional surfing and how it’s different than you probably think it is. In TEN GOOD REASONS, I introduce readers to the world of whales and dolphins and the professionals who love that world. Book 3 will center around marine life, too, with my marine biologist Elliott, and I hope to show readers a peek into the window of rescuing wild animals.

I think it’s really fun to read a romance novel and feel like I learned something from it (aside from commentary on love), so I wanted to offer that as an author. For instance, Laura Kinsdale’s historicals always leave me feeling like I learned a lot about history (how stroke victims were put in insane asylums, how women were not welcome in the world of mathematics, the evolution of various infectious diseases, etc.). And Rosalind James’ new contemporaries set in New Zealand make me feel like I just got back from vacation there, where I just learned all kinds of fun slang and all about the rugby culture. I love that kind of thing. So I hope to deliver that.


Why do I write what I do?

I wrote an essay called “Why I Write Romance Novels.” (It’s here if you want to read the whole thing.) But the long and short of it is: I like to write about love. I like to write about falling in love, and how frightening and exhilarating and confusing it is at the same time. I like to study love, and what makes it work between two people where it wouldn’t work for anyone else. Romance writers get to be a little like matchmakers, setting up two “types” and seeing what happens. Can an introvert make a life with an extrovert? Can a science nerd fall in love with a beauty queen? Can an academic fall in love with an athlete? Can a fearful person fall in love with a daredevil? There are endless possibilities to explore, and endless stories to tell, and if you believe in the refraining theme – that love conquers all (which I do) – then you can explore this theme endlessly.

I also like writing stories for women where women get to be the agency of their own lives. We see enough movies in the theater or shows on TV where male protagonists control the plot and their success and happiness is paramount. (Women are too often simply the supporting role.) But in romance novels, it’s all about women’s happiness. The female protagonists get to have happy endings. They get to have sexual fulfillment (without feeling “moralized to” or dying at the end, as is the case in most literature). They get to have someone love them for who they are, and respect them for what they’ve done. And women readers who devour these stories get to close romance novels with a smile on their face and a feeling of triumph. Not to mention that little adrenaline rush/ oxytocin hit that comes from being happy, much like watching a good comedy gives you. It’s a wonderful way for a woman to end her day, and I love thinking I might be able to give that as a gift to someone.


How does my writing process work?

I’m getting into a decent rhythm now, especially after having to figure out how to balance three novels with a full-time job and a family of five. (Housecleaning usually falls by the wayside! Oh well!)

But anyway, for each book, it’s gone kind of like this:

  • Write a fast first draft of Chapter 1 with two interesting characters and an interesting problem to solve.
  • Show it to my agent. She talks me through whether it works or not. Once I get a thumbs up:
  • Write the fast first draft all the way to the midpoint.
  • Show it to my beta readers and my agent. They give me feedback on whether it’s working or not. Adjust. Then:
  • Edit the first half into a second draft.
  • Write the second half quickly.
  • Show it to my agent. Adjust.
  • Send it to my editor.

I follow Blake Snyder’s advice of writing to “beats” in three acts. (From his “Save the Cat” screenwriting book.) I also follow similar advice from Michael Hauge about writing about the “identity” and “essence” in three acts. Learning these two processes has helped me immensely.


So that’s my writing process! I hope that wasn’t too boring! Thank you Nancy and Catherine for tagging me.

Now I’m going to tag Tamra Baumann, whose first book, IT HAD TO BE HIM, is coming out in March 2015. I’ve had the pleasure of getting a sneak peek at some of Tamra’s contemporary romances, and they are TERRIFIC! So fun and funny. We’re all in for a treat next March!

Tamra will “take it away” with her post on her writing process here.

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