‘ello, Cupcake!

Hello, my lovely.

Yes, I’m talking to you, you gorgeous cupcake.

As amazing as you look to me right now, you and your friends (eclairs, buttermilk doughnuts, and brownies) need to stay away from me this holiday season and stop tempting me with your delicious good looks. You need to stop lounging around in my refrigerator, calling my name, AND getting to that just-right room temperature on our kitchen cutting-block table. I simply can’t be trusted around you.

Because I’m trying to lose weight, here.

(Trying really, really hard. …)

Thank you ahead of time for your cooperation.


L. Afraid-to-Look-at-the-Scale Sanchez

Happy Anniversary To Us — 22!

We celebrated our 22nd wedding anniversary on Thanksgiving weekend!

The previous weekend, we had been at Superman’s brother’s house, and he gave me some pictures from our wedding day that I think my aunt took.

I hadn’t seen these pictures in a long time.

They made me smile:


Happy Anniversary, Superman! May we have many, many more moments that make us smile. …


Cyber Monday? Black Friday?

So is all your Christmas shopping done?

That’s how I feel all my cool, really-pulled-together friends are. Done, that is. Black Friday – check. Cyber Monday – double-check. They probably have all their presents wrapped already, too.


I’ve barely started.

I did manage to make a list the other day.

And I scanned a web site I like of gift baskets for some far-away family.

And I supported Rene and Nathan when they wanted to get up at the crack of dawn on Black Friday and walk up to Big Lots and Target. (And by “supported” I mean “told them they should drink a glass of chocolate milk before they go out.”)

They did, too. The alarm went off at 5 a.m., Nathan sighed deeply, then he went and woke Rene up. And the two of them lumbered downstairs in the dark, drank two glasses of chocolate milk, then trudged a half mile around the block to Big Lots, where Nate wanted to stand in line to get a camcorder with his allowance money. Continue reading

How Homecoming Is Different Between Daughters and Sons

This year I experienced my first high school Homecoming dance with a daughter.

And, let me tell you, it’s leagues different than experiencing it with a son.

First of all, there’s the attire, and shopping for it (or  not). My son really only had to find a few articles of clothing – black pants, a jacket once, a shirt of specific color sometimes, and usually a tie. He put most effort into the tie. I went with him once or twice to shop for these things (actually, my main job was to bring the debit card, but I think he actually did want my opinion once on a tie and once on a suit). But anyway, ties are kind of boring to look at. And he’s pretty reserved, so we were looking at especially boring ties. Basically, it was just him and me and the Muzak, trying to find something quickly before we went home to watch Modern Family.

Dress shopping, though, with my daughter was a whole ‘nother world. … I didn’t even know where to go dress shopping, in fact, but my daughter knew. And she wanted to go with a girlfriend. So the two of them traipsed off to a huge outdoor mall and spent the morning shopping, but they zeroed in on the Shop of All Shops for Dresses and spent the whole morning there, trying on several dresses with about a zillion other girls. Continue reading

Sending Your Firstborn Off To College – Part 3

So as we drove away from Montana – having left our firstborn in a strange state, a strange land, a strange room, with … well … strangers – and as I had lots of time to stare out the car window at scenery like this:


I had plenty of hours to think about things like why sending your child to college was so emotional.

I mean, there are the obvious things, like you don’t get to chit-chat as often, you won’t be privy to all the daily goings-on of your child’s day, you won’t get to have your interesting discussions at the dinner table any more, he won’t be around to make you laugh. There are the good things, like you won’t have to wash a gazillion socks anymore, you won’t have to buy mountains of Cheese-Its, and you get a little real estate back in his/her room, which you can use however you like now. Continue reading

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