It doesn’t take much these days, but here are few things that have happened in the last week that are making me feel really old these days:
- My oldest son got his driver’s license. All right, that was bad enough. But to add additional bizarrity to an already-difficult-to-comprehend scenario, he took his test in (and will be driving) the very car we drove him around in when he was just five years old, and going to his very first soccer games. … How did this happen?
- I’ve been going around saying, “Health is everything.” Since my episode in the hospital, with panic about breathing, which was possibly (or possibly not) caused by what I thought was a bee sting near my throat, I am just realizing that feeling healthy really is everything. A hospital stay, several blood tests, a few exams, a mammogram, and a couple of prescriptions later, I find myself saying what my parents have been saying for nearly 20 years: “Health is everything.” I guess I’m old enough to say that now.
- We went to my daughter’s high school orientation. You’d think I’d be used to this part by now, since my son has been in high school for three years, but my daughter, too? Ayeee. I still remember her with her little hair-do from kindergarten, where I’d pull the front back and she’d wear it in this cute little fountain on the top of her head. Seems like yesterday. So I can hardly believe we’re walking around the high-school campus with her, and looking at where her locker might be, and she’s saying hello to all her brother’s older female friends who are asking her if she’ll join the volleyball team with them. … incredible.
- I had my first mammogram. Deep sigh. … GAWD. … Can I feel any older now? It helped that the technician was, I’m pretty sure, the Nicest Woman in the Universe, but still. Now I’m going to have to be one of the “old ladies” who jokes about how uncomfortable mammograms are. (Next thing you know I’ll be joking about hot flashes, too. And then cholesterol meds. And prune juice won’t be far behind. …)
All right. Maybe I need a little pick-me-up. …
Anyone got any ideas? What do you do when you’re feeling like you’ve invaded someone else’s decade?

You are sooo funny! It gets easier with the kids – it actually is nice having a driver and will seem normal soon. The rest, I guess you just gotta laugh – it’s gonna happen so you just gotta roll with it! It is bizarre to think we actually do turn into our parents though, huh?!
The best pick me up: Having another driver in the house. My step son is almost 17 and it is THE best. After you work past the worry you will love it. Kids think it’s some kind of milestone for themselves to get their license, it’s not. It’s our milestone in parenting…. less running around and more delegating. LOL
You are too vibrant to feel old. Stop that.
.-= Crystal Posey´s last blog ..Painful Reading =-.
I know your pain. I’ve got 2 ready to start to drive.
Okay, Debi, Crystal and Kwana — You’re starting to make me feel better about the driving thing. … Maybe that will be okay. … It’s just sooooooo weird to think my “young son” is driving! But your points about less hauling around DO make sense. … Thanks for that!