So I’ve started reading, every day, a new favorite blog of mine: It’s Billy Coffey’s What I Learned Today.
It’s filled with great storytelling, excellent writing, and interesting thoughts and issues to ponder.
And I have to admit, I’m a little jealous. … He just writes so well.
But jealousy – and all other issues of life, for that matter – are the very issues Billy addresses. (Well, … actually, I don’t know that he’s covered jealousy, but he might someday.)
He presents the issues as those we all struggle with – he admits his shortcomings, his own struggles, his own pondering of what God wants for him – and he always brings it around to what he’s learned, through people, lessons, everyday life and everyday trials.
And he’s a master storyteller. Truly. (Sure enough, he has his first book coming out this year, called Snow Day.)
Anyway, I just love his blog. And I think you will, too. Swing by and check it out!
(In the meantime, I’ll work on my own shortcomings. Like that writer’s jealousy. …)

Headed that way now.
.-= Crystal Posey´s last blog ..Painful Reading =-.
I remember his blog from a while back…. this time I put it in my google reader. Thanks for sharing!
.-= Crystal Posey´s last blog ..Painful Reading =-.