Whew! University of California College online applications are in, just in the wee nick of time. (Only had a few more hours to go. …)
Ricky applied to three, so we’ll keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best. He did great — He’s so motivated he did the whole process by himself. Now it’s just time to keep fingers crossed, fingers crossed, fingers crossed. …
I don’t remember the process being quite so elaborate in my day. Do any of you remember applying for college? I don’t recall writing essays for it, or mailing it in (with stamps!), being nervous, or anything. I vaguely recall sitting with my counselor and talking about possibilities, but that’s about it. Maybe it’s a bigger deal for the parents than for the kids. … 🙂
Or maybe I’m just getting old.
(Always a possibility.)

Err.. it might be what you said.. HEE! 🙂 No really though, mine was over 10 years ago and I did the whole write an essay, mail it in, etc. thing.
BTW, I finally read a Laura Kinsale book! Seize the Day, I think it was? It was SO fabulous. I have two more in my TBR case that I received from RomCon so I will have to read them soon. I took it with me to Big Bear because of your last post. So glad I read it!
Kristi´s last blog post ..Rock Your Heart with the Wii
Which three? If you’d rather not say, then how about an email answer?
Kristi — Was it Seize the Fire? Is that the one with Princess Olympia? Yeah, that one got kind of crazy plot-wise, didn’t it? But the writing was as fab as usual. So glad you liked!
Johnny — We’re just doing the UCs now, so the three UCs he picked were: UC Davis, UC Santa Barbara, and UCLA.
He’s also thinking University of Oregon.
The process wasn’t such a huge deal with my son because he knew which one he wanted to go to and applied there and one other. Funny, because he ended up starting school where he wanted, at WSU for only a semester and then went out to Michigan – that was when it became a big deal for me, haha =( When my daughters turn came, it was a huge deal for me – I helped her research and we looked into every school that was part of the Wiche program to see what they had to offer and of course, compare the tuitions. It seemed like a lot more work and possibly a bigger deal for me than her. I have one more to go through it with, next year, so we will see how that one pans out! Good luck to Ricky, that is very exciting!!
Good choices, Dave was looking at Oregon in the beginning. Hope he gets selected for the one he wants or maybe the one the parents want. Hope its the same one.
Debi — Does your youngest already know where she wants to go? Funny, we’ll probably be the same: oldest is doing everything on his own (so independent!), but my daughter will probably accept/want a ton of guidance. Then the third –hopefully we’ll be pros by then. (Although totally broke!!!)
Johnny — I think we’re all afraid to “want” anything too much. We just hope he gets in somewhere. (The UC system is so crazy-competitive nowadays.) I really, really loved Davis, though (when we visited), and could totally see him there.
Congrats and fingers crossed for Ricky. We are so in the same boat. I’m wishing you the best outcome. No it was not so hard in my day either.
I didn’t realize you had a senior too? My stepson is a senior and we just finished sending in application for two colleges. However, one messed up and didn’t go through so we have to call them. That is very irritating because of deadlines and all. Now we are working on scholarships, and waiting for January for FAFSA. Which I am not looking forward to.
Posey´s last blog post ..This is how I heat up my buns
Oh my gosh, best wishes to your kids, too, Kwana and Posey, that they get in wherever they most want! And yes, Posey, I agree: FAFSA is not something I’m looking forward to, either. I get heart palpatations every time I think about money and college.
Justine has a couple colleges she would like to go to – one being in Texas and I am not so sure about that. The difference in cost is huge! Don’t be too afraid of the FAFSA – I was the first time I did it, but if you do it on line you can click on each line and it will tell you where on your tax return to get the info and if that doesn’t answer your question, you can always ask your tax person – mine helped me out quite a bit the first time too!