Well, RWA Nationals is going on right now in Atlanta, Georgia, and all my writer friends seem to be having a ball — if the tweets and Facebook photos of parties, masquerade masks, free books, beautiful shoes, colorful drinks, erotica props, fangirl squealing, dessert trays, Margaret Mitchell’s house, free books, and more free books are any indication.
I decided not to go this year, although I had a BALL last year in Orange County, but I’ve got RWA 2014 in San Antonio already in my sights, next July. San “Antone” here I come!
The Firebirds are in Atlanta right now in full force, though, and I’m so proud of them for all the amazing accomplishments our class of 2012 has made in just one short year. We have two Firebirds who are in Atlanta as part of six RITA nominees for “Best First Book.” (RITAs are won by writers like Nora Roberts!) We also already have one USA Today Bestseller. And one contemporary writer who sat at the No. 1 spot on Amazon all this week! I can hardly believe it. I wrote about the many, many accomplishments here with links to the winning books.
I’m so proud to be part of this group — they inspire me, cheer me, build me up and offer so much encouragement and support. We all talk almost every day on a loop, and it’s really an amazing group of women.
I’m watching from afar — both in Atlanta and from the still-unpublished ranks — and feeling inspired every day.