By Guest Blogger “Mr. Lanious”
Hey guys im convincing my mom to let me own a blog, but she said i must do something to show her my mad skills. So my first post is about my mom’s book club! We had to prepare for the WHOLE day. it’s a good exuse for cleaning even the parts nobody looks at! What a wonderful day! (2) My football team just became 5 and 0! After playing hard teams we pulled it off! My team is the only undefeated in the leage! Anyways,wish me luck! (3) My birthday is this month!!!! its double digits!!! Thats right, I’m turning 10! Thanks all for taking the time to read my blog. I will be updating. Feel free to coment by replying and giving me some ideas to post bye bye
(4) Im sorry guys. I forgot to say welcome to California to my uncle! He is a great uncle, and I love him. (5) As I am writing it is 11:11 and in 49 minuets im am going to be 10! I am going to Disneyland! You guys don’t have to buy me anything though because my birthday wish is to get a blog, and have it as big as my mom’s blog. (6) By the way, check out Know The Score. It is my brother’s blog. Also check out Mizwrite wich is my mom’s blog. Dont forget Mr. Lanious!! (7) I’m starting a Tip O’ The Day! For today’s Tip O’ The Day, DONT DO DRUGS! bye!!!
“Mr. Lanious” lives in Southern California with his brother, sister, mom and dad, and pet rabbit named Petey (who is really his sister’s rabbit, but he takes care of him a lot). You can see his work in various school notebooks and on the walls of his 5th grade classroom. He is currently working on his new blog and on a short story called “The Pirates of Washington D.C.”

Dear Mr. Lanious -Happy Birthday! Tell me how does it feel to be 10 years old! And congratulations on having such a great football team. Good for you! It’s all about team work wouldn’t you say? You did such a great job writing your post. I hope your birthday wish comes true. Take care and have a great day ;D
Wow sir that is quite a guest post!
You start off strong and it just gets better.
You do have some mighty big blog shoes to fil but with what I’ve seen so far you are well on your way!
Happy birthday and I hope you had a blast at Disneyland; you deserve it because you are the coolest and best 10 year old ever!
What a great guest blogger! I can’t wait to read more of Mr. Lanious’ wonderful blog posts. His uncle sounds like a really great uncle. He’s probably the best uncle in the history of the universe.
You know, for being only 10-years old, Mr. Lanious is really smart to say “don’t do drugs”. I’m excited to see more tips from Mr. Lanious.
Great post, Mr Lanious! And happy happy birthday! I hope you get to own your own blog soon. 🙂
Hi, Mr. Lanious! Happy first double digits birthday and I hope you convinced your mom to let you have your own blog. I am quite impressed with this first guest blog of yours! Can’t wait to read more!!!
Hey guys! I’m actually Mr. Lanious, but my mom’s blog is logged in. Thank you all for your great coments! I always wanted coments from people i dont really know saying I did a great job. So once again thanks and have a nice day!
Mr. L – You set up a nice blog. Way to go after what you want. Keep it up because it will help you with all kinds of skills, writing, social, though provoking. You obviously have what it takes. Proud of you.
Hey Mr. Lanious,
Very cool name. Ten’s a very cool age,, you can still have fun and do crazy stuff and not get in too much trouble for it. Have fun at Disney! Never been there. I would like to know more about your blog. Very cool.
I’ll read it too! (BTW I am your mom’s friend from Nebraska. We critique together.)
Mr. L, I enjoyed your first blog especially because I was one of the book clubbers at your house and have hosted several myself and know the painstaking work that goes into preparing the house. After all, you never know when one of your guests might sneak a peak in your shower or under your bed! 🙂 Keep up the good work!!!
Mr Lanious,
I enjoyed your blog very much. Thank you for writing it–and for convincing Mizwrite to give you the guest spot. And many congratulations on becoming one decade old.
Hi Mr. Lanious,
Happy Birthday! Hope Disney was/is fun for you. Don’t forget to tell EVERYONE there that its your birthday! Maybe they’ll let you go to the front of the line or something.
By the way, how did you pick your name? What does it mean?
So bye from Florida,
Aunt Helene
Wow you guys keep on coming with the coments! I only thought i would get coments from my parents! Oh by the way, Mr. Lanious speaking. Anyways I never knew I would get THIS many coments! Another thanks to all my comenters. Ta ta for now!
Happy Birthday Mr. Lanious ! Hope you get your birthday wish as this your first blog post was great !!! Congratulations on the double digits !! 🙂
Mr. Lanious, first let me say Happy Birthday. Very nice and strong blog for your coming out young man. Ohhhhh! to be 10 again. Mine was so long ago I can’t even began to remember it. But do enjoy these years, they are very important and also should be fun. Your tip of the day is a good one and for such a young man to come up with. You do a wonderful job of expressing your thoughts, not everyone is able to do that. The cleaning up part is especially funny. I use the “someone is coming over” as an excuse to do a really good clean up job, but as I go through the chore, I keep thinking “maybe I can skip this part, nobody will see this anyway”. But you can’t skip it, its part of doing the job right. Congratulations on your team standing. Keep up the good work Mr. Lanious, you done good……..
Great post Mr. Lanius! You did a great job on your first post, it is easy to see that you take after your mother. I hope you had a wonderful 10th birthday and got your wish =)
I love it! Can’t wait to see more Blogs Mr.L!
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