Okay, so my blogroll is really shaping up now. It’s looking more like my Google reader, showing what I read every day.
Here are a few more. These are more personal – family and friends, and friends I’ve just met through blogging. But some good talent here, and mighty fine people. …
Know the Score — This is my son, so I might be a little biased, but I think he’s awesomely terrific. (!!!) I don’t think you’d ever guess it was a 15-year-old writing this (except that I just told you). Tell me what you think. He’s covering sports, but he doesn’t want to cover any specific team or talk too technically about specific games – he just likes to “talk sports” in general: trends, theories, etc. He has posts here about how important numbers are for your jersey, the Top 10 sports movies of all time, Michael Phelps and how his “fall” might affect teens, the death of Nick Adenhart, etc. My son wants to be a sports writer someday, so I think he’s on the right path. : )
Quinnanopolis — Bill Q. is a commenter on my blog, and a friend of mine from the newspaper days. I always enjoyed his writing. He keeps a blog about politics, writing, religion, running – you name it. He’s also a stay-at-home dad with four children, which you would think would give him fodder for at least four additional blogs! Anyway, Bill is always smart and always presents himself so clearly. His last two posts were “Another One Bites the Dust,” about how sad it is to see stores closing, and “Random Notes to Self After First Marathon” – very cool!
Kwana Writes — I met Kwana on Twitter, and I’ve been enjoying her blog and her tweets. She’s a writer of women’s fiction and young adult, former fashion designer, wife and mother of teen twins (15 years old – another thing I can relate to!) and says she has a love of knitting and a strange obsession with reality TV. I also like her masthead!
Life Right Now — I met Jeanne through a mutual friend from my book club, Rosy, who was e-mailing all of us one day about the Real Housewives of OC. The interesting “housewives” discussion led me to Jeanne’s blog, where I saw she was a devoted wife and 42-year-old mom of three (just like me!) – She writes about life, the Lakers and God. She’s a former Californian who is now in Arizona and missing her Lakers terribly.
Happy Hour … Somewhere — Kat is hilarious. I met Kat electronically through Jeanne (above), and through mutual blogrolls (which is how this whole thing works!). Kat’s funny takes on life and its everydayness (and yet uniqueness) always makes me laugh. She shares quirky things she sees on YouTube, Twitter, the drive-through … whatever! I like that she has such a roll-with-the-punches take on life. She’s also becoming quite the Twitterer.
I have more! But I’ll save some. I’ve built up my blogroll quite a bit, and hope to continue! More next month. …

Wow – thank you so much for the shout-out! My blog meter showed a definite surge in hits yesterday, so it definitely helped. I’ll be sure to check out your other recommendations!
You’re welcome, Bill! After I wrote this, I saw that you’re planning to divide your blog into separate blogs on different topics (running, politics, writing?), so I’ll try to check them all out. I still think you’d do a great job writing about your four little ones, too, and being a stay-home-dad. (I always remember that hilarious article you wrote for me, in my going-away card, about the “life of a stay-home parent”!) You definitely have some funny fodder. Btw, I think you’d really like the blog Sweet Juniper! Another dad writer who has a lot of talent. …
I’d like to comment on Know the Score. You are precisely correct. You wouldn’t even guess that the blog is written by a 15 year old. Jersey girl swears you have 35 year old writing those blogs and letting him use Ricky’s pic. He does have a talent, no!, make that a gift. He (and I don’t always like this term), has a way to show a human interest side to whatever he writes. Anyone can just put up scores and spectacular plays. He is good, and I am not saying that just because he is my grandson. I think the thing that really gets me is his ability to analyze the situation and present real provoking thoughts and forces you recognize what else might be going on. Well done Ricky!…Mizwrite, you have reason to be proud…..