Superman and I were invited to a beautiful afternoon and cocktail hour on a 32-foot sailboat with friends this weekend, out on the waters of Newport Beach.
We didn’t get the sails up, because the water outside the jetty was a little too choppy, but we had a great time cruising the harbor, enjoying the early evening sunshine, drinking wine, chatting with fun people, and people- and boat-watching along the Balboa Penninsula. …
So what do you see in Newport Harbor?
We saw Duffy boats:
Wedding boats:
Lots of other sail boats:
Paddle surfers:
Lots of yachts and beautiful homes:
The Virgin Oceanic boat, ready to start its next mission:
The high-rises of Newport Beach:
And the Balboa Island ferry, which you can still ride for only $1:
Chris even got to steer for a minute:
It was one of those afternoons with really nice people, where you’re glad you got out and remembered why you love living here.

What a great photo of Chris! And wow, did we see all that?
Well, when we weren’t drinking, eating and talking, I guess we did! 🙂 Thanks for inviting us, Lauran — it was a really fun day! You’ll have to give sailing tips some day!
Once you learn the general principles of sailing, points of sail, mechanics and physics of sailing and get used to heeling and going fast, a higher performance sailboat Don’t underestimate the importance of good instruction early—it lasts a lifetime.