So we really do judge books by their covers, don’t we? And romance covers, in particular, have ridden waves over the years from “clutch covers” to “pastoral covers” to “hero only” covers to “cartoon covers” to “body part” covers (usually hands or feet), which we’re seeing a lot of now.
Well, now’s your chance to voice your opinion!
The Judge a Book by its Cover Contest is sponsored by the Houston Bay Area RWA group and is one of the most fun “readers choice” contests around, in my opinion.
You get to score the best covers in contemporary romance, single-title (mine’s in there!), paranormal, historical, and more! Have fun!
You can play here: Judge a Book by its Cover Contest.

I left my personal opinion with my ratings according to what I like to see on a cover when I buya
I left my personal opinion with my ratings according to what I like to see on a cover when I buy a book. It does determine if I’ll buy the book or not, even though I tend to follow favorite authors mostly.