So, wow, I can’t believe it’s 2015 already and my second book is finally ready to make its debut! I’ve been waiting for this for quite a while. (It feels like I wrote it a long time ago.)
TEN GOOD REASONS — Lia and Evan’s story — is now available for preorder on Kindle and Nook as well as paperback. You can reserve your copy now and not get charged until April 7 when it comes out officially and will pop up in your reading device. (You’re also guaranteed the best price between now and then.) I’m so excited for this book! — Here are five places where you can now preorder:
Barnes and Noble (Nook or paperback):
Amazon (Kindle or paperback):
iBooks/ iTunes:
Book Depository (free shipping outside the U.S.):
I’ll be sharing sneak-peeks of upcoming chapters in my newsletter, so if you want to read along, sign up for the newsletter here. I’ll be sharing up through Chapter 4, then when your book arrives on April 7, you can pick up right from there!
And I’ll also be giving away a couple more ARCs (advanced reader copies), so stay tuned for that also.
Right now, I’m putting together a Review Crew for TEN GOOD REASONS, and I thank all of you who volunteered through the newsletter. For those who I could squeeze in, I’ll be reaching out to you soon through email.
It’s going to be a fun year! Here we goooooooo ….

i preordered your book it sure sounds like a good one. I can’t hardly wait.
Thank you SO MUCH Pat!!!! I appreciate all of you who buy it and are so supportive! I think you’ll really like this one. I can’t wait to hear what everyone thinks of hero Evan. 🙂
I still say I love that cover. The marina on top and the “couple” on the bottom. So romantic. And now that I have seen your video, so much more meaningful is this wonderful place called Sandy Cove. I can’t wait to start reading Ten Good Reasons, as a matter of fact, I will be starting that so very soon 😉 and know just like the Red Bikini, I won’t be able to put it down. I know I will be laughing, crying, and loving them all over again. Can’t wait!!!