On Nate’s 12th birthday today, I thought I’d list 12 things I love about that kid:
1. He’s really funny. Always.
2. His eyes actually light up when he tells stories — they’re so expressive, and they tell half the story before his words jump in.
3. He’s in that sometimes-awkward-but-always-kind-of-cute “tween” stage of life, where he still goofs off and wrestles and plays with his buddies, but sometimes flashes of maturity take hold. The flashes of maturity always seem to surprise him.
4. He is a youngest child, but sometimes he gets to play “big brother” to a couple of neighborhood kids, and he’s awesome in the role — he always knows when to be silly, how to be fun, but also when to be gentle.
5. He’s super smart.
6. He makes a mean sunny-side-up egg. He stands on a step-stool to do this.
7. He’s still small enough that I can wrap my arms all the way around him in a big hug.
8. He loves animals and is always so sweet to them. He desperately wants to take care of dogs, but sometimes they scare him.
9. He still likes to hang out with his family.
10. The neighborhood — kids and adults alike — all love him. We always have people knocking on our door for him.
11. He does magic tricks, draws, plays drums like a natural, and plays Mumford and Sons’ “The Cave” on the ukelele. He loves to entertain anyone who will look at him.
12. He has a wonderful heart.
Happy Birthday, Nate! We love you!

Wow, that Nate sounds really hot!
I love, I mean LOVE (can I change the font size to make a point?), Mumford & Sons and would love to hear Nate’s rendition of The Cave on the ukele. Perhaps a You Tube video? BTW, I thought the ukele went to Montana? You have more than one?
That aside, I was really touched that you did this for your son – list 12 things that you love about him. You’re a great mom and I’m sure that made him feel special. I would love to have been on the receiving end of such a list growing up. We don’t tell the people we love often enough that we love them let alone the reasons why.
And….all you need to get through life is a sense of humor so he’s go it made.
Hmmm, “etaN” … your name looks familiar. … 🙂 But yes, Nate is a very cool kid!
Lauran — Yes, I totally brought up the YouTube thing already! I asked Nate awhile back if I could film him playing The Cave. He said he would probably mess up a lot, but I told him it didn’t matter — we’ve got digital “film” and plenty of it! So I will bring it up again and try to get him to do it. (I know someday I’ll wish I had it on film anyway.)
And yes, we have two ukeleles. One is Chris’. Then Ricky was borrowing it all the time, so we got him his own for his birthday, which is what he brought to Montana. (He has since added a mandolin to his collection!) Anyway, here in So. Cal, though, we still have the original uke, so that’s what Nate and Rene play on. It’s much easier to play than a guitar (they tell me), so Chris prints out all kinds of music, and they all try to play different things. I’m the only one that doesn’t play — I’m SO NOT musically gifted!!!
Anyway, thanks for the nice words about Nate’s list. You’re right — we usually don’t say all the “little things” we love about the people in our lives, huh?
That is so sweet! He sounds just as wonderful as his mother!
You have a mandolin too? No wonder they like Mumford & Sons. The only think you’re missing is a fiddle. I also have a ukele. It’ was my grandfather’s. Unfortunately I’ve never tried to play it. Well you’ll have to ask Nate to perform for us next time we have book club at your house :-).
Aw, thanks, Debi!
Lauran — Ricky just got the mandolin because he’s been listening to all these folk players and wants to learn to play it. (I hear it’s much harder than the uke, though.) How cool that you have your grandfather’s ukelele! Do you remember him playing it?
He should check out Old Crow Medicine Show and The Avett Brothers.