Whew! Busy week! I’ve been kind of M.I.A. — but just busy with work and writing and editing and such. …
Today I’m over at Health Bistro, giving more parenting tips for the start of school. This one is about making kids’ school lunches every day and keeping it to a reasonable amount of time. I’d looooooove to hear others’ tips and ideas on this, so please come over and visit, and share your strategies. Do you make lunches in the morning or evening? Do your kids help? Do you have a “lunch station”? I’m here: Mom Tip 2: Making School Lunches.

I only have one left in school, but I still pack her lunch even though it’s high school. I would rather her have a well rounded meal than buy something “fast food” there. I usually make the sandwich and have her pick the kind of fruit and which two snacks she wants. I always do it at night after dinner when I am cleaning the kitche, that way it is done and over with…I do love summer time though when I don’t have to remember to do it!