It’s here, it’s here! And I luuuuuurve this new cover! The designers really nailed how Lia and Evan look in my mind. I love how she’s looking at him in that feisty way of hers, and I love how he looks so reluctant. I can’t wait for you all to meet these two!
Here’s the back cover blurb:
Ten good reasons aren’t enough to keep them apart…
With a crazy eighty-hour-a-week job, an almost-boyfriend who’s left her for Bora Bora, and way too many terrible bridesmaid dresses in her future, Lia McCabe needs a change of pace before the imminent crush of the big 3-0.
First up, Lia is determined to help make sure her friend Drew’s whale-watching business takes off. But when an accident leaves him unable to man the boat, Lia’s only option is to convince Drew’s brooding, sexy brother to captain the ship (and save her butt).
For the last two years, Evan Betancourt has been sailing around the world to avoid the ghosts of his past. But when he pulls into Sandy Cove for a brief stop, Lia makes him an offer she won’t let him refuse.
And as these two opposites figure out how to work together, the murky waters between denial and attraction are creeping up fast…
So are you ready to order?!?! This second book in the Sandy Cove trilogy is already available for preorder from! What do preorders mean? That means if you click “preorder” for the paperback now, you won’t be charged until release day (April 7), but your book will be shipped promptly so you’ll have it as close to launch day as possible. (The Kindle version from Amazon should be available soon, as well as the Nook edition from Barnes and Noble.)
You can currently preorder here: Ten Good Reasons on Amazon.
If you’re not ready to preorder yet, you can always click on “Want to Read” in Goodreads to give yourself a reminder! The book is making its Goodreads debut here: Ten Good Reasons on Goodreads.
I’m so excited to share TEN GOOD REASONS with you all!
To celebrate my gorgeous new cover, I wanted to do a giveaway for a $15 Amazon gift card and a Sandy Cove souvenir pack in BLUE for the new book.
All you have to do is comment below on your favorite shade of blue! (Mine is “robin’s egg blue”!)
I’ll randomly draw a comment after Labor Day — on Tuesday, Sept. 2, 8 a.m. Pacific — so you have until then to enter as many times as you wish! Come back next week to see who won!

Congratulations! This story sounds great! Looking forward to the read.
My favorite blue is cobalt. Nothing like cobalt blue glasses set on a crisp white tablecloth. : )
robena grant´s last blog post ..Why do you Write?
So excited for Book #2 to hit the shelves!! Going to order mine right now 🙂 My favorite shade of blue is Turquoise… I know it could be considered a blue or green, but I’ll go with blue!
Blue is one of my two favorite colors, but when it comes to shades, I have two:
1. A soft blue, softer than baby blue. It goes especially well on walls, in a soft pashmina shawl and on a flowing evening gown.
2. Like Robena, cobalt blue glassware knocks my socks off. My favorite vase is a cobalt blue hand blown container about 12 inches high and big around. I keep it filled with flowers at my entry for all who enter to see.
Sigh, I love blue.
By the way, I’m really looking forward to your new release. I loved the Red Bikini!
I’d say a pale, slightly green blue – Benjamin Moore paints calls it “at sea”
Not that I planned it but seems like it goes with your new book 😉 Congrats on the cover!
Congrats, Laurie.
I LOVE this cover! And since I’ve had the pleasure of reading this wonderful book, I too, think they captured your characters perfectly. My favorite shade of blue is the color of my late grandfather’s Norwegian pale blue eyes. (Yes, I’m making up my own color because you never said we couldn’t ;0) I have never seen another pair of eyes the same color. However, Bradley-Cooper-Blue, as in his gorgeous eyes, are my second favorite. ( And the man attached isn’t so bad either! )
Congrats Laurie!
Your cover is GORGEOUS, Lauren!!!! Can’t wait to read this one!!! P.S. My favorite shade of blue is turquoise.
What a lovely cover! And I agree, the expression on the woman’s face is terrific–so provocative (in a good way). It does a wonderful job of characterization.
Another beautiful cover for you! Couldn’t have happened to a nicer author.
Congratulations in the new book!! My favorite shade of blue, by the way, is cerulean blue. It’s a true blue and has no green in it.
That lovely Carrbbean blue is my favorite! I’m loving those sailing boats too!
I love Turquoise.
cornflower blue
My favorite blue is cerulean. The cover looks great!
My favorite blue is the blue of my granddaughters’ eyes.
How exciting !!! My favorite shade of blue is cobalt blue… unless it’s turquiose blue ….or deep sea blue…so tough to decide!!!!!!!!!!
Beautiful cover, Lauren. I’ve got The Red Bikini waiting on my shelf.
As for blue, I love the deep dark blue in lapis lazuli.
Kay Hudson´s last blog post ..I Am Not a Foodie, But . . .
Carolina blue!
My favorite shade of blue is sky blue. The cover is beautiful, can’t wait to read.
My favorite is sky blue.
Though I could think of more, I need but one reason to read TEN GOOD REASONS … I’m a fan of THE RED BIKINI and have been waiting with bated breath for the next Sandy Cove installment. My favorite shade of blue is the deep hue of the gemstone known as London blue topaz.
My favorite shade of blue is Royal Blue, then turquoise.
I love almost any shade of blue. I just happen to have sample paint chips beside my computer and the favorite on is Captain’s Walk.
I love a beautiful blue-grey that I painted my office
Turquoise is my fave!
I love sky blue….makes me feel peaceful.
Tie between Lapis Lazuli and Periwinkle. Book sounds great…I’ll preorder when the Kindle option goes live. 🙂
Navy blue is number one with all shades of aqua/turquoise as my go to shades of blue.
I’m just one of many readers anxious for T.G.R. To come out !! I wish we didn’t have to wait till April.!!!!!
I think I like any shade of blue, but I have a pendant with a stone called “Neptune blue topaz” a greenish blue, and it’s my favorite.
Oh, a great cover!! It fits the characters. 🙂 So happy to see it.
My favorite color is always Royal Blue followed by a rich cornflower blue… okay, I love all blues.
Best of luck with the new release!
Jean Willett´s last blog post ..Historic Savannah
My favorite color blue is Sapphire not only have I always loved this color but when my boyfriend wears it his eyes are incredible its like you can see through them, almost like the Caribbean ocean
Look forward to reading the new book! My favorite color of blue is the same shade as behind the title ten good reasons. Beachy blue
Can’t wait for this book !!!
My favorite blue is Tiffany Blue …
Teal blue is my pick.
My daughter has beautiful blue eyes. Her eye doctor tells her people pay a lot of money for contacts trying to get their eyes that color of blue!
I like the carribean(ocean) blue.
I went to Lake Tahoe and there’s a bay there that has this magnificent blue unmatched anywhere else that is my favorite color. It is the most intense beautiful medium blue there is.
Dark royal blue.
I loved The Red Bikini, and can’t wait to read Lia and Evan’s story!
I love the ocean when the sun is high and bright, and the sky is blue. It turns the sea a beautiful blue that makes me smile to look at it.
Cerulean! I love to say it, think it, wear it, picture it in my mind… and azure, cobalt, turquoise, indigo, royal, robin’s egg blue, midnight, periwinkle (which might be leaning toward lavender just a tad), iridescent navy, dusty blueberry, sapphire, tanzanite (again, a little purple for some), sky blue, Mediterranean, thundering-rumbling evening sky, peacock feather, labradorite blue-gray shimmer… so unbearably hard to choose! But I’ve got TEN GOOD REASONS to go with my gut, and that’s cerulean.
What a fun question. Good luck with your book launch!
xo Nancy
I love navy and cobalt the best. Love the new cover.
Hi Laurie, congratulations!!! My favorite shade of blue is sky blue. 🙂
Looks great!
Tardis blue for me and my Katie 😉
Can’t wait! Sky blue.
Can’t wait to read the next one! : )
I love Peacock Blue (Fiestaware).
Although I dream about finding that Ralph Lauren Blueberry eyeliner again. (Part of a fab gift from Libby my sophomore year in high school. It was so gorgeous, and I searched high and low for it when it ran out, but of course they stopped making it…)
Love the new cover! Sapphire blue is my fave.
Hi Lauren,
You know I love that cover!! After reading your first Sandy Cove book, I am dying to read this one. I can’t wait to be taken back there. That is how you know you are reading a great book, when while you are reading you are IN the same place. My favorite color blue would have to be the color of the ocean, takes me far away each and every time. Can’t wait to read this next one!!!
Love the cover, Lauren! And the story sounds fabulous. My favorite blue, at the moment, is baby blue. 🙂