Well, I lost.
But that was a good thing!
I lost a total of 9 pounds in our company “Biggest Loser” contest! Which is 15 pounds since Christmas.
So I didn’t win any money, but I still “won.”
(Best kind of contest, you know.)
Now I have to keep it up. …

Congrats, Laurie! It seems like the “Biggest Loser” competitions at workplaces are always won by men – was that the case at your work?
Yep, that was indeed the case here! Well, out of the top 3 or 5 spots, sometimes one woman places, but mostly the men win in every “season” we’ve done. However, we do the judging based on percentage of body-weight lost, rather than just number, so theoretically the playing field should be even, but it still always plays out that way!
In this season, out of five top spots, one was won by a woman (3rd place). She was a dynamo and lost something like 19 pounds, which was incredible because she’s a very tiny person to begin with! HOWEVER, she’s a junk-food lover, and when she cut out the junk food entirely, she really dropped weight.
Good job Laurie! It is never easy, way to keep up with it!