So, as if I didn’t have enough social media sites to attend to … (and enough things to obsess over) … I found another really fun way to whittle away hours and hours of time I don’t have — Pinterest!
It’s sort of like a bookmarking site (like Kirtsy, Digg, Reddit, etc.), where you’re sharing cool stuff you’re finding on the web — in essence, “pinning” them to a wall that you share with others.
However, Pinterest is much more visual than those other bookmarking sites. Rather than pinning headlines, users are pinning photos that link back to articles. Typically, though, the photo stands alone, and what users are sharing is the item in the photo — a pretty couch, a great outfit, a clever D.I.Y. tip, a darling Etsy item. There are cute cupcakes, adorable puppy photos, georgeously decorated tables, stunning back yards. … People share home tips, health tips, decorating tips, inspirational quotes, and recipes. …
Ayeeeee …. You can spend hours and hours on there!
(Especially if you’re a really visual person.)
I spent a good couple of hours looking at home decorating ideas and created “boards” of beautiful rooms I love. Kind of neat because I can always go back there and draw from the ideas — Don’t have to ruffle through files here on my desk or anything.
Anyway, check out Pinterest if you get a chance.
And if you’re on there already, let me know so I can follow you! I found my cousin on there, a former book club friend who’s moved up north, my closest friend from elementary school, “M” from the blog here, and several Facebook friends — all very crafty, visual people (which seems to be the type of person most likely to fall in love with Pinterest).
Have fun!
P.S. It’s “invite only” (which seems to be annoying everyone), so if you need an invite, email me and let me know what email you’d like to use and I’ll send you one!

MizWrite, I am completely addicted to Pinterest! But I did go three days without looking or pinning anything – yay for me 🙂 and, yes, I am a very visual person. So Pinterest is perefect for me… And we are loving it for wedding ideas too. HAPPY PINNING!!
M. — I know!!! I saw you on there! (I went around and “liked” a bunch of the bee-yoo-ti-ful wedding items you’re finding!) It’s a perfect place to collect wedding ideas! 🙂
Pinterest is the most happening thing currently in the social network market and is also attracting lot of new people.
Natasha Gopinko´s last blog post organizing