Oh no, she didn’t …
(Oh yes, she did …)
I filled this container with that sugary goodness about five seconds after the bags landed on the store shelves. And er … look how much is gone!!!!
(Yes, I did eat most of it myself.)
I did have a little help: Although my own kids don’t like candy corn (*gasp! How can that be???*), all their friends do, so when Nate’s buddies come over or Rene’s boyfriend is here, they all reach in for at least a handful. But honestly, I’m pretty sure I ate most of that container all by my lonesome.
Thank goodness Halloween is Monday!
Happy Halloween weekend! — Hope it’s filled with pumpkin carving, scary-movie watching, costume-making, and all the candy corn your little heart desires. …

Are you punishing me for forcing myself to fly by the candy corn, so I couldn’t grab another bag? Yes, I think you are.
Crystal Posey´s last blog post ..The Build Up Makes The Climax
I love candy corn too, but so far I have made it without one piece this year! (I have been making up for it with other stuff though!)
Sorry for the temptations, gals!
I’m proud to say, however, that the jar looks almost exactly the same today as it did in this picture! I stopped eating them altogether! (Guess I had my fill. Finally.)
So now I’m dumping out the remainder and filling this with something fall-like for decor … maybe chestnuts or walnuts or something. 🙂