Another fun day at a historical town:
We drove into Nevada to Virginia City and walked along the rickety boardwalk. As “low key” as Bodie is, Virginia City is “high key”: lots of gift shops, souvenirs, panning for gold, candy shops, tours.
We ate ice cream:
And went to the Mark Twain museum, where he first worked as a newspaper man as Samuel Clemens while writing his first novel under the pseudonym Mark Twain:
Ricky bought his girlfriend one of those old “newspaper headline” souvenirs, which was cute, because they both love to write (and she loves history).
We waited for Nathan to scour a souvenir shop. (Didn’t I mention before that this kid LOVES souvenir shopping?) Here’s Ricky and Rene waiting for Nate outside some saloon-type bench:
We also ran into my parents, who we met there in Virginia City. They went on a tour of a mine that sounded fun.
All in all, it was a very fun day.
That night, we met at my parents’ room and played Trivial Pursuit until midnight. It was this team:
Against this team (plus me):
(My mom and Ricky look like they’re getting ready to cheat here, don’t they? Rene is casually looking at something so she doesn’t have to be part of it. …)
Anyway, we had to leave and walk “all the way home” (down three doors) to our condo, then get some rest for Day Five!
If you missed any of the previous road trip posts and places, they’re here:
Road Trip! Day One: Manhattan Beach wedding/Mammoth
Road Trip! Day Two: California scenery
Road Trip! Day Three: Ghost Town of Bodie

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