Isn’t this little guy cute?
I got him at Target for a steal.
Then I bought him a friend.
And then I set them both up as my Christmas table decor.
The best thing about this particular Christmas table decor is that you don’t have to take it down after Christmas. Because birds — you know, they’re still around. There’s such a thing as winter birds, right? And they have their little birdseed, and their little berries and such.
So the birds get to stay.
And I get to put one less thing in the rafters. And I get to hang on to Christmas just a little longer. And I get to look at my pretty little centerpiece for another month or so.
It’s really waaaaaay too easy to make me happy these days. …
It really makes our little table that much more inviting too!!!!
Now, if I can only get them to sing for me…
Hey, Superman — Well, if the birds continue to refuse to sing, I think Nathan will pick up the slack in providing us with our evening-dining entertainment! 🙂
I love little critters like this and have a collection in my office of various animals – mostly birds though. Yours is very pretty! This reminds me of a thing my husband does (but denies, of course). He has some store where he finds these wooden animals – about 12″ in either length or height. And he occassionally picks one up and places it in a somewhat out of the way place in the house and then says nothing and sees how long it takes me to notice it. Since he denies doing this I never really know how long it takes me to notice it, but I fear on some occassions it’s a long time. Several are birds (penguin, duck…) which what made me think of it. I get a kick out of it, probably more than he realizes. I’ll have to show you my collection next time you’re over 🙂
Lauran — That’s so cute that your husband does that! I did notice the pewter (?? not sure if that’s what they were made of?) bird on your piano! Very cute! It might have even been a candle holder? Anyway, I think that’s a really cute story about your hubby. I love when big, masculine guys do “cute” things but will deny them forever. …