Wow, I hit my 100th post! (The one about my daughter.) That’s exciting. And kind of amazing. Hard to believe I’ve written that much already.
I’ve also received exactly 700 comments. (A day of milestone numbers!) I can’t tell you how much it means to me when you guys leave comments. We bloggers don’t get paid for blogging, so our “payment” comes by way of response — comments and feedback and pingbacks and general all-around fun “conversation.” It’s the best. It makes me feel great every time I see one pop into my inbox.
My “regular” commenters have been from all walks of my life, so I thought I’d introduce you to each other. You’d all be good friends if we could sit in a room together:
- You know Chris (or Christopher or Charles) is my hubby Superman, and “Nene” is my daughter.
- Dave (a.k.a “The Bubbynator”) is my brother-in-law and an all-around fun guy and terrific conversationalist. (And single, ladies.)
- M., Debi, Barbara and Dawni are all friends from jr high or high school. I absolutely love keeping in touch with them.
- Barbara is also from the book club, as is Rosy, Carrie, Pam and Lauri. These women know how to talk about books! Always insightful. …
- Nancy is a friend from college (and crit partner for decades) who lives in Switzerland now and introduced me to verbivore who keeps a book blog in Switzerland (and has become a wonderful crit partner). They’ll both be on the literary shelves soon.
- Grace, Bill, Texan Penny and Dixie are all friends and former coworkers from the newspaper. I miss the days when we used to have the most interesting conversations ever there. In fact, many of my posts here feel like “work conversations” I used to have with these folks.
- Patti, Sharon, Sonja, Andrea and Rachel are all crit partners I’ve met through online writing classes — all hardworking, great storytellers. You’ll see their romance and historical novels on the shelves soon.
- Arlene is my mom, and Helene is her sister. They both love to read and have great book insight.
- Johnny is my father-in-law, and Jersey Girl is his wife. They both read voraciously and are the first “dual-Kindle couple” I’ve met.
- Debbie C. is a friend of Superman’s who has become a friend of mine.
- Geraldine is my sweet niece-in-law and a great mother to an adorable baby boy.
- Jen Kelly, Marla, Judy, Nicole, Brianna, Beeb and Celeste are all smart women who’ve worked at, or freelanced for, my current job.
- And there are sooooooooo many super-cool new blogging and/or Twitter friends that I’ve met in the blogosphere. Most have blogs themselves and are fun and amazing. Some of the wonderful regulars I’ve just met have been Jeanne, Kat, Crystal Posey, Kristibug, Anastasia, Kwana, Jen Roland, beckylevine, nanna95, doart, December, WindyA, Amethyst, denisebump, chickenbetty, Joanna D’Angelo, Lisa MacColl, Lynn Daniels, joemmama, Ashley Ladd, Trish (heylady), Sherry, Conrad, Alyssa Carter, Debbie Sanchez and more. I’ve also had thrilling visits from IzzyMom, Jordan Summers, Misa Ramirez, Lori Borrill, Carolyn Burns Bass, gretatiki (Rebecca Regnier), Carla (mizfitonline) and others.
I can’t tell you all how much it means to me when you stop and say hello or add your thoughts to the conversation. Please continue! And those of you who haven’t commented yet, please throw a “hello” anytime you want — you’re truly welcome here.

Congrats! 100 posts is an achievement! I’m glad to contribute the little I do, and thank you for making it worthwhile reading. Happy 100, and here’s to the next 100!
100 posts…go Mizwrite~! Through you I have met such interesting people on Twitter. Litchat last week was so much fun. It is so exciting to tweet with the actual author…and have them answer you. Yes, that is fun.
Looking forward to another 100 posts~!
Congratulations! You rock!!! It’s always fun to stop by. I love your blog. =)
Congratulations on your 100th post. I’ve enjoyed your tweets and popping into your blog. Writing is such a solitary experience, but the relationship that grows between writer and reader makes it worth it. Here’s to 100 more posts.
Congratulations! As someone who tries (lamely) to keep up a blog, I know what a great milestone this is. Here’s to the next 100!
Awesome! Cngrats Laurie!
Happy 100th! Big congrats to you. I’m so glad to have met in the blog world.
Didn’t you just start this blog??? Or it seems that way. Awesome girl! One hundred posts, and all the people you’ve met. How exciting! Keep it up!
Thanks everyone! I’ll work on keeping up!
So fun to meet so many people blogging and on Twitter. And Kat, I was actually going to do a post about litchat — isn’t it great???
Congratulations and thank you, Mizwrite!! Love your blog…It’s like morning coffee for me. Helps me start the day on the right foot. No Mizwrite equals an off-kilter M. Hehe… Keep up the awesome thoughts and word of wisdom!! 🙂
Your blog rapidly became one of my favorites, such a diversity of topics and always something fun, funny or interesting. Congrats on the 100th post!!!
Congratulations on your 100th post! Thank you for the shout-out too, how fun.