This is final part, Part 17, of the story of How I Met Superman. To get caught up, you can find the preceding chapters here.
I drifted through the next few days in fog of disbelief. I couldn’t believe I was going with Chris Sanchez — this boy I’d had such a crush on. …
“Going together” — in those very, very early days of dating among my peers — was sort of like arranged marriages: You’d commit to trying each other out, exclusively, even though you barely knew each other.
And, in those first few days, Chris and I definitely barely knew each other. We’d meet each other at the walk-up rail to school each day, nodding shyly.
“Hey,” he’d say.
“Hi,” I’d respond.
And we’d lapse into an awkward silence.
So we’re going together now, I’d think. Now what?
On the second day, he looked like he was going to hold my hand, but seemed to change his mind, and took my books instead. “Where’s your next class?”
“Math building.”
He nodded and began to walk me there.
And so it went. Continue reading