So This (Also) Happened …

So, in the middle of all the book-launch hubub, this happened:

Rene grad

Our little girl graduated from high school and is ready to go out into the world to conquer!

I can hardly believe how time is flying.

Just yesterday she looked like this on her first day of kindergarten:

Rene kindergarten

And now she’s all grown up and heading out to college! How did that happen?

We’re hitting the road next week to take her, her brothers, her new comforter, a bunch of shiny new pens and pencils, towels, electrical cords, two bowls, a spoon/fork/knife, a shower caddy, winter clothes, her laptop, a desk lamp, a hamper, a wastebasket, a bunch of push-pins and frames, and all her other worldly belongings on a trek to her new school and her new life.

I hope to only cry a little bit.

(I’ll let you know how that goes…)

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One thought on “So This (Also) Happened …

  1. I just don’t even know what to say.
    Now, anyone who knows me knows I’m not one to resort to hyperbole, but I think I can safely say that no other daddy has adored his little girl like I adore my little girl.
    That is all…

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