So is it just me, or did pumpkin-flavored-everything arrive a little early this year?
I imagine it’s sorta like Christmas decorations, getting earlier and earlier. Marketers probably thought, “Hey, we make a ton of money on this stuff! Why start in October? Let’s start in September, people!”
Still, it’s technically summer on Sept 1, and real-live pumpkins probably aren’t even ripe yet, but there we have it: Pumpkin Spice Lattes in Starbucks, Pumpkin-flavored yogurt at Golden Spoon, Pumpkin-Spice Eggo waffles in your local freezer section. … All available since Sept 1 this year.
Not that I’m complaining, exactly. … I’m as much a pumpkin lover as the next gal, as I’ve mentioned before in my Ode To All Things Pumpkin.
But the calories kind of terrify me. If I give in to my pumpkin cravings on Sept 1 instead of Oct 1, that’s a whole month more of pumpkin calories. Which, you know, aren’t a problem in and of themselves — pumpkin isn’t the problem. It’s all the sugar, fat, butter, whipped cream, cream-cheese frosting and everything else that goes ON the pumpkin delights that are the problem. I really can’t afford those for a whole additional month.
So I’m trying to be good. I’m pressing my forehead against the Starbucks windows in despair, longing for my Pumpkin Spice Latte. (PSLs, you know, for us addicts, who can’t even waste time saying the whole thing out.) I’m staring at the ceiling of restaurants when faced with options of pumpkin pancakes, pumpkin muffins, pumpkin cake. I’m reacting with delight (but warning of my embargo) when Rene tells me they have PUMPKIN CREAM CHEESE for PUMPKIN BAGELS at Einstein’s Bagels, where she works. Goodness. And I’m gliding my cart right on by that aisle where I know the Limited Edition Pumpkin-Spice Eggo waffles are kept. (Target, in case you were wondering. But Limited! Omg! …)
I did cave and have one pumpkin-spice muffin that my darling daughter brought home from Einstein’s for me.
But embargo.
Just until Oct. 1.
Help me, Rhonda. …

I baked my first pumpkin item this past weekend – chocolate chip pumpkin cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. Delicious! Even Dan, who’s not a pumpkin fan (huh?!?) likes them:-)
Carrie´s last blog post ..Betting on the Ponies
Oooh, Carrie, that sounds DELICIOUS! (Especially because I love cream-cheese frosting, too!) And what’s up with our hubbies not liking pumpkin?!?!