Welcome! I’m so happy you’re here! [*brushes dust off chair*] Here, have a seat. And excuse my dust and debris. I’m still doing touch-ups and changes (and a little heavy lifting – those categories are a bear to lift), but I wanted to invite everyone in and get started posting.
So ignore the dust (and please ignore the fact that my daughter and I will be switching a few things out here and there – she and I are making the header a little smaller and working on the rotating photos in the top right) but make yourself at home and have a look around. I look forward to having a nice housewarming party soon! : )
Until then:
- If you are kind enough to have me RSS’d in your Google Reader, please switch the feed to this new one.
- If you are kind enough to have me in your blogroll, please switch the URL to this new one.
- And if you are sweet enough to have links to any of my stories, please find the new story URL here and reconnect to this link. I’ll be turning off the old website in awhile. If you need help finding a particular story to get the new URL, leave me a comment or contact me on my shiny new “Contact” page.
Thanks, all. Remember to watch your step – still some low-lying beams, here. Check out the drop-down category list to the left, or the nav bar at the top. I’m still missing all the Sept. and Oct. posts, but I’ll get those in here soon. Let me know if anything doesn’t work. And please leave a comment and say “Hi!”
I’ll have the place all dusted off soon – And we’ll pass around the hors d’oeuvres and wine and get back to chatting about books, writing, movies, kids, Superman, skateboarding, Twilight, or whatever else you’d like to discuss! Click on the “Home” button above to see the posts we’ve been discussing so far. …

Happy Blog Warming!
Hi, Kwana! Thank you! Here, have some bruchetta and a glass of wine. … : ) Hope you’ll come back often!
Yay! I’m totally gonna get you an infomercial’y blogwarming treat.
Do you have a Flobee?
Wait, wait, I heard (saw) the word Twilight…
Are you a Twilight fan Laurie? If so we must discuss this tonight when i see you at Arlene’s.
And if you begin writing about it, i will definitely be reading…Just read there are about 81,000 tweets per day about Twilight/New Moon these days.
Everyone’s talking about it… I’m happy i was able to get my 12:20 am tickets for Thurs Night/Friday Morning showing of New Moon. I know, I know…I am crazy.
congrats on the renovation/changes to the site. I like the pic at the top with the pink flowers
Your subscribe feed looks a little odd and doesn’t auto-connect me to my reader. Go over to Feedburner (now with Google: http://feedburner.google.com ) and sign up for their service, and Thesis has an area in their setup links to put your Feedburner link, and it will then keep track of your subscribers 🙂 It’s very handy like that!
I must say, I really like the new look and feel of your blog. And, I love the URL. Finally Miz Write has a domain of her own. I don’t know if little girls ever got that feeling of being to run faster when you got new shoes as a child, but here’s hoping your new blog is like a new pair of shoes and makes you go vroom, vroom!
I love the header! I can picture you sitting under a tree in that setting, with notebook in-hand while your kids frolic in the field. Wow, I had no idea you live in a Jane Austen novel, but apparently you do in my imagination.
Anyway, happy blogging!
Well, sweetheart, congratulations on your new site! I think it looks fantastic! Plus, IKNOW how hard you’ve been working on it-with the assistance of our beautiful and talented daughter-and it shows!
I can’t wait to read all the wonderful posts you’re sure to have on here!
I’ll make sure to visit every day!
Hi Laurie,
Way to go woman! I really like the look and feel of your new blog. It’s very warm and welcoming. Especially that bouganvilla at the top. That plant is gorgeous and ever so happily curled around the wooden fence in that country setting. How I would love to be there!
So, I can’t wait to hear what you have to say about socks. Socks. An enigma in and amongst itself. They always go into the laundry a perfect pair and yet somehow in the midst of all that commotion sometimes managed to get lost. And then the other is left without a mate and can only be used very strategically. I think the laundry machine eats them! 😉 What do you think?
Well, I loved your old blog so I know I will love this one. I think it looks great and it is wonderful that you can do this with Rene – Can’t wait to read your next post!
Pingback: C’mon Over to the New Blog! « Mizwrite’s Blog
Carla — Ha, ha! The Flobee??? Hmmm … I don’t know that one. But my daughter might! Here’s my new post on her and her obsession with infomercials! http://mizwrite.com/2009/11/19/my-daughter-and-infomercials/
Come back and visit often! I always love chatting with you.
Geraldine — I’ve actually written about Twilight before! Here is the post: http://mizwrite.com/2009/03/19/twilight-what-does-it-say-about-romance/ — I’d love your thoughts on it. 81,000 tweets per day? Wow. Outrageous. Rene is going to the New Moon premiere also, Geraldine!!! — Let’s compare notes when you go. Have fun!!!
Kristi — Thanks so much for Feedburner tip!!!!!!! I’m going to look into that asap! You’re a blogging dynamo. …
Dave — A Jane Austen novel, huh? 🙂 Actually, I took that picture for the header right here in good ol’ Southern California. In fact, maybe I’ll write a little piece about it and put it in the “About” tab — it will be “About the Header,” I guess! ha, ha … Thank you for your kind words, and I look forward to more of your insights in this new home.
Superman — Thanks, babe. I sure hope you’ll visit every day! You’re my biggest fan, so if I lose you as a reader, I’m in HUGE trouble. Thanks for all your love and support.
Laura — Argh. Socks. For sure. … I find them annoying in 100 ways. Here’s a post I wrote about Superman’s black socks in particular: http://mizwrite.com/2009/02/13/mom-jeans-black-socks-and-other-things-you-dont-want-in-your-closet/ You can chime in about black socks if you wish! I always love your comments. 🙂
Debi — Thank you! You’re such a good friend! I was just writing about you the other day, in fact. I’m working on the Story of How Superman and I Met. And, of course, you were a big part of those early days. (In fact, I might have to collaborate with you — my memory is shaky on one part …) Thanks for coming over to the new blog and I look forward to more of your fun and insightful comments.
I love the picture box at the top right – I find myself waiting for the picture to change to see what is next!
Oh, thanks, Debi! I liked that feature, too. Unfortunately, it’s not a “flash” (rotating every few seconds) (I’d love one of those!), but it’s a “rotator” (rotates every time the page refreshes). So … cool enough, right? Eventually, I’ll have each picture linked to a post, and Rene is going to help me put “banners” on each picture with the post title so you’ll know where you’re going. Fun stuff! 🙂 I’m looking forward to playing. …
That is very cool and it amazes me that our kids are so computer savvy! I find myself asking the kids how to do things somethings too! This sounds like a great mother/daughter “project”! I am looking forward to see it all come together!
Wow, I’ve missed a lot! Congrats on the new site. It looks great and I look forward to catching up with your writing…we’ve been on the road since August and I have neglected my computer. Write about high school reunions – do you go to these? I just went to my 35th, not sure what to expect, but it was a lot of fun. Was wondering how other folks feel about reunions.
Debi — Yes, nothing seems to intimidate our kids tech-wise, huh?
Jersey Girl — Hello! Welcome back! Wow, your 35th, huh? That would be a great topic, actually. And oddly enough, my neighbor (I call them our “young neighbors”) JUST said that to me on Monday, also! She said she just went to her 10th, then the next night to her husband’s 10th (told you they were young!) and she said it was “two nights in a row of extreme awkwardness,” which made me laugh.
TERRIFICO! web site. I love, love, love it! What a great place to visit. You must tweet and e-mail about it when you have new posts up! 😉