I’ve found so many terrific blogs. I review them for work, so I stumble across some really great finds. Sometimes they’re not exactly appropriate for work (where I’m looking for a health focus), but I scribble them down so I can add them to my own Google Reader at home. Plus I’ve met some really cool people on Twitter and in the blogosphere and would love to add them to my “friends” blogroll. I also have a few family members who are blogging now, including my son, who (of course!) I think is a brilliant new talent!
So, without further ado, I present the first installment: blogs that make me laugh.
I’ve already told you about Cake Wrecks. I still read that one every day and find it to be hilarious. But I have a few others in my “Funny” folder:
The Typing Makes Me Sound Busy — J-Money cracks me up every day with her adventures as she approaches 30, not really sure where she’s going or how she’s getting there. Her rapid-fire punchlines and stream-of-consciousness humor have a bit of a Dennis Miller sound (but make more sense!). Her site was nominated for Best Humor Blog in the Blogger’s Choice Awards. She never lets me down.
Amalah — Amy Storch’s tales of mommydom make me laugh as often as they make me tear up. This editor-turned-blogger weaves us through her tales of raising two small boys in Washington, DC, battling confusing “learning evaluations” for her older son (who she constantly worries has a learning disability) and wondering if she’s taking as many pictures of her second son as she should (they’re adorable!). Her writing style is top-notch and always has me tuned in the next day. She’s a 2007 Weblog Awards winner for Best Parenting Blog.
This Writer’s Life — Kevin Alexander has been making me laugh out loud with his intermittent posts for Writer’s Digest, but — sadly — he may have just written his last post. I’ll put him in here anyway, though, so you can peruse his archives. His last post apologized for his hit-or-miss posting: “(Insert sad Boyz II Men song) … I feel like the divorced dad who thinks he’s cool because every once in awhile he shows up with a bunch of Nerf footballs and lets his kids swear and eat Wendy’s…” He says he’s moving on to a West Coast gig, so maybe he’ll get another blog going soon. We hope so.
Blonde Highlights — Michigan-area television news person and humor columnist Rebecca Regnier is a bit elusive, but I can always pin her down at this site, where she usually tells where she’s writing next. Her columns for Monroe News are always hilarious – she has such a healthy sense of humor about life – and she also runs the diet blog “Does This Blog Make Us Look Fat” with her sister. Catch her wherever you can – you’re sure to like!
That’s it for today! Tune in Friday for the next blogroll installment – blogs with some serious writing chops. (I can’t wait to share them with you!)
Until then, check out these humorists. And tell me some of your fave funnymen or funnywomen. …

Rebecca Regnier here. How sweet of you to link me. Thank you so much and have a great Friday!
Thanks for the links. I be checking them out for a laugh.
Rebecca — Welcome! Glad to have you stop by. Swing by anytime — we’d love to have you join our chit-chat! : )
Kwana — Hope you like them. Share any that you find, too, that I haven’t discovered yet. And stay tuned … I have you on a list coming up soon, too. : )
Thanks for the links! I’ll be checking it out.
I know this is probably totally rude, but my blog could interest you, perhaps. It’s not funny in terms of words, but I think the photos people submit to me are amazing and sometimes funny.